The Doberman’s physical description is one of the main reasons this breed has gained so much popularity over the years. Their muscular build and intimidating appearance have led to a long history in guard dog positions, as well as prestigious roles in police enforcement.
Dobermans can stand up to 28 inches in height and can weigh anywhere from 60-90 pounds. Their sleek frame and muscular build offers a powerful appearance, and their smooth coat adds even more to their beauty.
A Doberman’s fur is short and slick and lies close to their body. Though their fur is always short, their coat colors range from black, brown, red, blue, and fawn. Doberman’s also have the signature “eye brow” markings above their eyes, and often have a different colored mask than the rest of their coat.
Dobermans are extremely athletic and are often filled with energy. Their athleticism and excess energy are what makes them so sought after in the working K9 realm, and leads to them becoming such impressive police dogs. With a lifespan of 10-12 years, a Doberman has years of dedication to offer!