There are times you will need to find indoor activities for your dog in order to keep them happy and occupied.
It is essential to find ways to entertain your dog busy while stuck indoors indoors, especially when the weather is not cooperative or on certain occasions when your pup may be on restrictions such as after a surgery.
Plus, sometimes we can’t get out with our dogs because of time, health limitations, or current events such as the current COVID-19 restrictions.
It is always good to teach our dogs various positive indoor games to stay occupied on their own. Bored dogs with too much energy often turn to destructive behaviors. However, if we teach and provide our dogs with constructive options, it will avoid unwanted behavior such as nuisance barking, chewing, and anxiety.
There are several fun indoor activities for dogs that can tire them out both physically and mentally. Playtime and games stimulate a dog’s mind and help them to focus, leading to more sound sleep, lower stress levels, and may help build confidence.