There is a large variety of fruits that are safe for your dog to eat. Many have nutritional value and may be found in treats and dog food.
Bananas contain high levels of potassium, biotin, fiber, and other vitamins which are great for your dog. They are low in the bad stuff like calories, cholesterol, and sodium. Do not let your dog eat the peel because it can be tough for them to digest.
Apples are safe for your dog as long as the core and seeds are removed. They are low in calories and fat, but high in vitamin C and A. Dogs also love the crunch!
Peaches are a great snack in small quantities. The best way to share them with your pup is in small bites, making sure the pit and its remnants are removed. This particular snack can pose a threat if your dog consumes any part of the pit or stem. Also, make sure there are no leaves from the peach that your dog could accidentally eat.
Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, which are great for your dog. They also have a lot of fiber which can be good for digestion. Strawberries even contain an enzyme that can whiten your dog’s teeth.
Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. They are one of the healthiest snacks for your dog in terms of human food. They have plenty of vitamins and minerals, and their small size makes it easy to practice moderation! Their small size can also be a choking hazard so always supervise your dog when sharing this snack with them.
These fruits contain nutrients that are safe for your dog to digest. However, make sure you feed them to your pup in moderation. Most fruits and even some vegetables contain high levels of sugar so it is best to use them as an occasional treat as opposed to a regular snack.
Too much sugar can cause problems with your dog’s oral health, as well as their weight. If your dog is trying to lose weight, it may be best to consult with your vet about what snacks would aid them in their weight loss journey.
Remember, just because it is safe for human consumption does not mean it is ok for your dog.