In recent years, cannabidiol has been shown to have excellent benefits in human patients with epilepsy, anxiety, and even pain due to various health conditions. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, was found to be an effectiveanticonvulsant or anti-seizure therapy in 1973. CBD lacks thepsychoactive effects of the other ingredient found inCannabisknown as THC. CBD is the active ingredient in Epidiolex, an FDA-approved medication used to treat epilepsy in children.
In 2019, the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (AKCCHF) performed a major clinical trial with Dr. Stephanie McGrath of Colorado State University to study the effects of CBD oil on dogs with seizure activity. In this trial, 89% of the dogs who received CBD had a reduction in the frequency of their seizures. However, the proportion of responders between the treatment group (a total of 12 dogs) and the placebo group (a total of 14 days) was similar. Therefore, additional trials are necessary to see if higher doses would cause a greater difference between the two groups.
Research is still ongoing, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support that CBD oil can have many benefits in dogs with seizures. If you are planning on purchasing CBD oil for your dog, make sure to talk with your veterinarian. Little is known about potential side effects and drug interactions from a clinical trial standpoint, and it has been documented that CBD usage can cause a significant increase in blood enzymes like alkaline phosphatase3.
High-quality CBD oil is CO2 extracted for purity purposes. This can result in a slightly higher price than other CBD supplements on the market, but the cheaper products can be more dangerous, especially if there is a risk for THC to be contained within the product. THC is toxic to dogs. High-quality CBD oil can be purchased here at SitStay.
Seizures can have many causes and so treatment will be geared towards finding a cause and using medications that can help decrease the risk of seizures. Once a medication has been started, it cannot be stopped because this will increase the risk of further seizures and may impact the response that your dog will have to that medication in the future. There is promising research ahead that may further prove the benefits of CBD oil for dogs with seizures. If you are considering purchasing CBD oil for your furry friend, contact your veterinarian today for more information.