If your dog distichiasis is very severe, there are a few non-invasive surgical procedures that your vat can do to remove the extra eyelashes. These procedures are:
- Electrolysis: Electrolysis involves inserting an electrode into each gland alongside the problematic eyelashes. A current is run to these glands and kills the follicles. This leaves the hairs unable to grow back. While this will fix the problem with any existing hairs, however, it is not permanent as new hair may grow back in their place. Usually, when new hairs grow back, there are fewer of them, and they are usually not a course.
- Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is useful is your dog has a large number of eyelashes that need to be removed. Nodes are inserted where these eyelashes are, and the location of the hair follicle is frozen. This destroys the follicle roots and removes any extra eyelashes.
These different surgical procedures are only done if other forms of treatment are not able to correct the issues.
If your dog does have distichiasis, there are many simple procedures that can be done to help prevent these from causing a lot of eye issues. By monitoring your dog’s eyes every day, you would be able to quickly notice and problem and get them to a vet right away. If your dog is prone to eye issues, ask your vet about distichiasis and make sure that your dog does not have these extra eyelashes causing them a lot of other issues. Distichiasis is not a horrible disease that you would constantly have to deal with, and there are many things that can be done to help your dog live and long and healthy life without having to deal with constant eye issues.