There are many different treatments that your vet can give your dog to help get rid of these sarcoptic mange mites.
These are a few of the most common treatments that vets may give your dog.
- NexGuard/ Bravecto: These are two very commonly prescribed flea and tickmedications. Recent studies have shown that these two products, when given every two weeks for about four treatments, will clear your dog of mange mites. While this is not an approved treatment yet, it has been shown by studies that it is very effective. Most vets use this as their main way to treat sarcoptic mites.
- Ivermectin: This is considered an “off-label” medication despite being highly effective. This is often not used any more as there are much safer and approved medication. This is a very effective treatment that is used in many shelter settings, as this medication is very cheap. This medication can cause severe neurological side effects in certain breeds of dogs, such as Collies or other herding dogs. This is one of the main reasons that some vets do not use this as their go-to treatment.
- Selamectin (Revolution): This is an easy availably topical medication that is commonly used to treat fleas and ticks in cats and dogs. This medication can also Widely available derivative of Ivermectin
- Dipping for mites: This is very effective for highly affected dogs that have mites everywhere. This is not done much anymore as there are topical and oral treatments that work just as well. These dips also cause your dog to have a very bad smell that you cannot just wash off.
If your dog has sarcoptic mange, this can be easily treated. If you notice that your dog is itching and is losing their hair, it would be best for your vet to see your dog. They can examine them and see if your dog does have scabies mites. If they do, your vet can prescribe your dog medication to clear these mites.
Many times, dogs also need antibiotics to treat any secondary infection that may occur. While sarcoptic mange may be a very itchy condition, it can easily be treated so your dog can return to their healthy and happy life.