In the summer months, we usually want to strip ourselves of our winter clothes and stick to lighter options to keep cool. Though we tend to think our dogs would prefer the same, that’s actually not true. A fluffy coat may look unbearably hot in the summer, but it actually may be working overtime to keep your dog cool.
Most dogs that are shaved in the summer are actually those with double coats. The undercoat is the layer that is closest to the skin, while the guard hairs are the ones that stand out farthest from the body. In the winter, the guard hairs protect against the snow while the undercoat keeps the dog dry and warm.
In the warm months, the double coat has a different purpose. The undercoat will shed once summer begins, and the guard hairs will remain and protect against the sun’s rays. These guard hairs will not only protect your dog from getting a harsh sunburn but can also help to regulate heat when the wind blows through the guard hairs. Though thick fur may seem too hot for our furry friends in the summer, their coat is actually doing them a favor.