Since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not consider ESAs to be the same as the average pet, the “no pet” policies of apartment and housing complexes do not apply to ESAs. This also means that ESAs cannot be discriminated against based on their size or breed, and their owners are not subject to…
Eye Diseases in Dogs
KCS in dogs is also known as dry eye because the condition involves the lack of sufficient tear production. Tears are produced by glands around the eyes to protect the eyes from debris, bacteria, allergens, etc., and they help to lubricate the structures around the eye. Without sufficient tears, eyes can become reddened, dry, and…
K9 Dog Training Tips
K9 Dog Training Tips [ad_2]
Are There Natural Ways to Help My Dog Sleep?
There are many factors that may affect your dog’s sleep like illness, moving to a new home, loss of a family pet, new family member, and even things like fireworks and loud noises. Dogs that are noise sensitive may react to thunder, fireworks, and unexpected noises by hiding, cowering, shivering, and not sleeping. Research demonstrates…
CBD Oil for Dog Seizures
In recent years, cannabidiol has been shown to have excellent benefits in human patients with epilepsy, anxiety, and even pain due to various health conditions. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, was found to be an effectiveanticonvulsant or anti-seizure therapy in 1973. CBD lacks thepsychoactive effects of the other ingredient found inCannabisknown as THC. CBD is…
Are Emotional Support Dogs Allowed in Restaurants?
According to the law, ESAs are really only permitted at airports and in all kinds of housing regardless of pet policies. Dog parks and pet-friendly areas are still permissible, but for other public locations, ESAs are not allowed. Unless otherwise specified, this includes hotels and AirBnBs, workplaces, grocery stores, theaters, and restaurants. Only Service Animals…
What are Common Dog Eye Diseases?
Blepharospasm is not an actual disease, but a sign of further issues. Blepharospasm is when your dog’s eyes will blink very rapidly due to involuntary muscle contractions. You will notice that your dog’s eyelid appear red, swollen closed, and appear irritated. You also may notice that your dog is rubbing their paw on their eye….
5 Easy Dog Treat Recipes
5 Easy Dog Treat Recipes [ad_2]
How to Prevent Ticks on Dogs
There are numerous different illnesses that ticks can spread, and many of these tick-borne illnesses cause similar clinical signs such as fever, lameness, joint pain, and lethargy. Anaplasmosis is one such tick-borne illness that is spread by both Western- and Eastern-black-legged tick species as well as the brown dog tick. In some cases, dogs who…
Search And Rescue Dog Training
Once you have found a bold and confident pup that fits the search and rescue dog mold, it’s time to get to work! Positive reinforcement style training is the only way to successfully train these canines, as they will truly love the job if they are offered rewards and positive feedback. Reward-based training not only…