Astudy researching CBD interactions with seizure meds in people added that “Because all of the participants are also taking other seizure drugs while they are receiving the investigational therapy, investigators checked the blood levels of their other seizure drugs to see if they changed. “With any new potential seizure medication, it is important to know…
CBD Oil For Ear Infections in Dogs
Dr. Lascelles from North Carolina State University adds “However, dogs do have the same natural cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system as humans,” (The endocannabinoid system involves physiological processes such as appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.) These receptors are found in the dog’s brain and peripheral nervous system. In fact, scientific research has confirmed that…
Best Tactical Dog Gear
Do you need some tactical gear for your dog? There are many places that you can buy some of the best gear. We have already done the research for you on what is the best tactical gear for your dog. They will need a collar, leash, and harness, and these are the best ones that…
Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?
Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? [ad_2]
Hyperkeratosis in Dogs: What you Need to Know!
If you see these or any type of skin lesion on your dog, contact your veterinarian right away. Often, it is easy to identify hyperkeratosis in dogs. However, because there can be other disorders present, your vet may talk to you about additional testing before treatment. Skin impression testing involves pressing a slide onto your…
Service Dog Training: Owner vs. Program Training
Service dogs are dogs who are trained to perform specific physical tasks. They aid people with physical or mental disabilities, but the distinction between a Service dog (SD) and an Emotional Support Animal (ESA is that SDs have physical abilities whereas ESAs do not. Instead, ESAs provide comfort to their owners. Service dogs are not…
How Many Hours a Day Do Dogs Sleep?
These health problems are all good reasons to seek help from your veterinarian right away, especially if your dog is experiencing excessive sleeping. If your dog has anemia, then your vet will look at blood work and additional diagnostics to determine a cause for the anemia, such as intestinal parasites and immune-mediated disorders. Anemic dogs…
Can CBD Oil Help My Dog’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
A 2017 study concludes that “”Given cannabidiol’s documented anti-inflammatory effects, existing safety data in humans, and potential for varied delivery routes, it is a promising new antibiotic worth further investigation. The combination of inherent antimicrobial activity and potential to reduce damage caused by the inflammatory response to infections is particularly attractive,” via Science Daily.” Importantly,…
CBD for Pets During Natural Disasters
The extraction of cannabidiol takes place via a carbon dioxide process called CO2 extraction which uses pressurized carbon dioxide to extract the CBD from the entire plant. CO2 functions as a solvent when reaching extreme temperatures, when it is under the boiling point, it’s cold. It is processed to create oil from the plant. It…
Best Dog Camping Equipment
Dogs can be a wonderful addition to your camping experience. With most campgrounds now becoming dog friendly in most areas, you can safely bring your furry friend along without a worry. Though your pup can accompany you to most areas, you will need to keep them on a leash at all times. Your pup may…